Sunday 15 February 2009


I decided not to work as much overtime this week, maily because I have migraines that are getting out of control again, so a break away from work is a good thing probably.

I have used my time productively to try and catch up on tv viewing and some movies. I watched a movie called An Incredible Journey, which is a 1963 Disney film where the basic premise is that 2 dogs and a cat try to find their way home over 300 miles of rugged terrain. It has since been remade and Disney, in their wisdom decided to make the animals talk. In the original it is narrated and doesn't use special effects which means what you see from the animals is amazing. I realised that kids films from 40 or 50 years ago gave kids way more credit than they do now. They remade rather than jsut re-releasing it. And it's not just Disney, why do they have movie studios insist on remaking films rather than giving people credit and if you want to celebrate a good film, re-release it and give people credit.

The Incredible Journey I love this film, and highly recommend you watch it but ensure you get the original.


Just read an article about Barrack Obama's first wee while in office and I have a new found respect for him for this comment: "Hey guys, what do you think of my -- this spiffy ride here?" the president asked the group of reporters traveling with him on the presidential plane. I like the fact he's enjoying himself and using normal words and being in awe of things still. Can't beat a president with a bit of humility.