Thursday 8 January 2009

Please buy my Flat

So my flat is on the market, it's only been on for a month and as we know no-one buys property at Christmas. Unfortunately, no-one is buying property at all right now. They want to, but the banks won't give them money to do so. It kinda annoys me because it's all down to banks apparently 'not trusting each other'. Property is a long term investment, people who don't have a spare 10 grand can't afford to buy now but that pretty much rules out first time buyers. How can anyone afford property now unless they save through their twenties and probably into their thirties.

Anyhoo, I need to sell mine for personal reasons, renting it out is not an option for me so in the meantime, I need to keep the place spotless and live like a hermit.

Starting a new life is difficult until you get rid of your old one. Up until now i've had something to work towards something: holiday, getting the flat done, Christmas, now - waiting for someone to buy. Living in limbo is pretty crappy and I'm hoping the flat will go but am not overly optimistic especially after talking to my estate agent this morning!

So happy new year everyone, please buy my flat:

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