Sunday 25 January 2009

a tweeting obsession

A friend of mine recently got using Twitter recently. I've used (and still use) Bebo and Facebook. I use Bebo predominantly for friends and colleagues I know vaguely through work and Facebook tends to be people I have known for a lot longer and know a lot better. The thing is I'm not, and never have been interested in joining groups and poking people and having full blown public conversations with people. I've always used them as a tool to stay in touch with people not really much more. My favourite parts of both these sites was the status updates, the one line people would write about how they feel, what they're doing or just something funny. Twitter is just that, just one line - well 140 words. I started following a couple of friends and now I follow people like Stephen Fry, Adam Savage, Charlie Brooker and Penn Jillette. There are funny, interesting, mundane and silly posts. I enjoy keeping up to date with my friends during the day and i enjoy following the famous tweeters too. I know it's sad but it makes you feel like you have a personal connection to these people. And if they reply to one of your 'tweets' it makes you feel like you have become a friend to the celebs. I know you don't have to say it!!

I tend to follow it a lot during the day and it is becoming more and more like a way of life for those who use it. The plane crash in the Hudson river had pictures posted on twitter from the plan and from the rescue services. During the inauguration people were watching and 'tweeting' as the speech was made it's like a huge international conversation. I believe that Twitter is going get bigger and bigger and people will start to communicate with each other in 140 words or less and through twitpic.

So get Twittering and follow me @weedief

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